Dedicated to Mentorship


Jake’s Origins

Jake’s Place Inc. is a private not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Jake’s Place is about a dedication to mentorship, to golf and it’s traditions, etiquette and disciplines and about a love for the game passed on by wonderful people throughout the ages. 

To understand the mission of Jake’s Place, you must know Jake Warde. Now 97, Jake has served as a mentor to countless youth and adults at the golf club he calls home. Not a golf professional by trade, Jake’s love and enthusiasm, dedication to study and the pure joy he gets from passing on the game he loves, touches everyone he meets and has for half a century. He has mentored tour professionals on the LPGA and PGA tours, helped youth pay their way through college, and helped hundreds upon hundreds to more thoroughly enjoy golf. 

Jake’s Founder

Most of Doug‘s young life in golf was spent with Jake. No scheduled lessons, no fees, just a pure love of teaching, learning and developing a passion for golf. From Jake were learned life’s most important skills. Discipline, focus, vision, faith, love, camaraderie, sportsmanship, humility, ethics, tradition, and self esteem.  

Doug was taught all of these things because of golf and men who cared deeply for it, who were gracious to pass on those traditions. As Doug grew in the game, so did his understanding of the special relationship and education he had as a youth. He saw how deeply it cut to the core of his being. So much so that he has dedicated his life to the game of golf, and passing on these lessons to future generations.  

Doug has dedicated himself to doing just that. Jake’s Place is an honorarium to all golfing mentors of the past, who have reached down to youth and changed their lives forever. 

Etiquette     •     Mentorship     •     Dedication

Jake’s Facility

Jake’s Place participants are trained at a facility dedicated to youth, run by Doug and his staff at Jake’s Academy. Jakes Academy Training is lifeblood for the funding raised by Jake’s Place. A place where our children can come together, meet on common ground, learn lessons in golf, life, agronomy, club making, business and social skills. With access to world class coaching and training facilities, an opened arm approach to learning and appreciating golf, and programs designed to instill self esteem, gratitude, discipline, and service, our youth will thrive. 

Jake’ Academy is designed to allow youth to break through the barriers so often associated with golf. Lack of access because of financial status or cultural background will no longer be an excuse for not playing golf. If you have a passion to learn, and excel, Jake’s Place has been established to help.

Thank you for your support